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Eddie Solman has reviewed this store
5.0 Did your Trainer arrive punctually?
5.0 How would you rate the service supplied by your trainer?
5.0 Were the services provided as advertised?
5.0 Would you recommend your trainer to others?
5.0 Overall Performance
Eddie Solman
1 reviews 13th November 2021 15:15

Absolutely amazing training classes, our Fifi has become a well mannered, well behaved little pup and we have learnt the life skills we require to give her a well balanced home life. Thankyou so much to the ECLS team! xx

5.0 Did your Trainer arrive punctually?
5.0 How would you rate the service supplied by your trainer?
5.0 Were the services provided as advertised?
5.0 Would you recommend your trainer to others?
5.0 Overall Performance
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Essex Dog Training


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